VyperBlog gets FaceBook Support !

Yeah, that’s right – FaceBook Support !

Last time VyperBlog got full User Management with Self-Help.

This time VyperBlog gets FaceBook Support !

FaceBook Login/Logout Support

If you know how to read the FaceBook API Docs then you already know how to perform a Login/Logout for users who have a FaceBook Account.

If you are like most typical business people who are trying to run their businesses you don’t have the time or the desire to read the FaceBook API Docs and then you will want to use VyperBlog.

Local Development Support for FaceBook Login/Logout

Developing for FaceBook is pretty easy but sometimes you may want to develop locally which means running your server from localhost or  You can do this using VyperBlog.

Develop your FaceBook Apps with VyperBlog

VyperBlog provides an ideal platform for FaceBook App development.  Just plug your code into the /facebook/ folder and away you go !

VyperBlog ships with a sample FaceBook login that works locally or in your Production environment (when deployed in the Google Cloud).

More Features are in the works

VyperBlog is undergoing constant development, adding more features, debugging and refactoring the code along the way.

The next feature will be the About VyperBlog marketing literature to help people figure-out what this amazing Platform is all about.

Read More…

Blog in a Weekend Turns 3 !

About Ray C Horn
See my profile at http://www.linkedin.com/in/raychorn with more than 1286+ connections and growing all the time.

One Response to VyperBlog gets FaceBook Support !

  1. Pingback: 10 Reasons for using VyperBlog in the Google Cloud « Agile Developer's Blog